What should not be included on a CV?

By omitting unnecessary or unrelated information, you can ensure that your CV remains focused and impactful.

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While there are important elements to include in a CV, there are also certain things that should be avoided. Here are some items that generally should not be included on a CV.

Personal Information

Avoid including personal details that are not relevant to the job application, such as your marital status, religious beliefs, or social security number. Additionally, it is not necessary to include a photograph unless specifically requested.

Irrelevant Work Experience

Focus on relevant work experience that aligns with the job you are applying for. Avoid including unrelated or outdated jobs that do not contribute to your qualifications for the current position.

Salary History

It is generally not appropriate to include salary information or your salary history on a CV. This information can be discussed during the negotiation phase if required.

Hobbies and Interests

While it can be beneficial to showcase relevant hobbies or interests that demonstrate transferable skills or align with the job, avoid listing generic or unrelated hobbies that do not add value to your application.

Unprofessional Email Address

Ensure that the email address provided on your CV is professional and appropriate for a job application. Avoid using unprofessional or overly casual email addresses.

References: It is not necessary to include references directly on your CV. Instead, state that references are available upon request. Be prepared to provide references separately if requested by the employer.

Unexplained Employment Gaps

If you have gaps in your employment history, it’s generally recommended to address them briefly and honestly during the interview process rather than on your CV. However, if the gap is relevant to the position (e.g., sabbatical, volunteering), you can mention it briefly.

Negative or Controversial Information

Avoid including negative or controversial information about previous employers, colleagues, or experiences. Maintain a professional tone throughout your CV.

Unnecessary Jargon or Acronyms

Ensure that your CV is easily understandable to a wide range of readers. Avoid using excessive industry-specific jargon or acronyms that may not be familiar to all employers or recruiters.

Excessive Personal Details

While it’s essential to showcase your accomplishments and skills, avoid excessive personal details or lengthy paragraphs. Keep your CV concise and to the point.

Remember, the purpose of a CV is to highlight your qualifications, experience, and relevant skills for the job you’re applying for. By omitting unnecessary or unrelated information, you can ensure that your CV remains focused and impactful.